The bird then asked Azalea to stop by at a couple’s house. A cozy one!! Yes! They were very rich. The couple also has a beautiful and kind-hearted daughter. Afterward, they got to know each other. The family offered Azalea a job. After reaching his success, Azalea asked their daughter in marriage. A wonderful wedding party was held and they both [Azalea and his wife] lived happily. They really loved each other. However, Azalea never forgot what the bird did to him. He bestowed many thanks to his adored bird.
One day, this rich family invited others on one occasion, dinner party. This party was held in order to celebrate the success achieved by their own company. And you know what! The vice president was Azalea! All attendants were in list.
In the middle of the party, Azalea and his wife came across an old man. He wore a tuxedo coat. Azalea tried to figure out. It seemed that Azalea knew the man. Yes! Absolutely! He would not hesitate to address the guest. But, suddenly his heart stopped his tongue. “I better ask him to taste a cuisine I just made.”
“Good evening, Sir! Is there anything I can do for you? Hmmm…Would you please taste a special cuisine that I just made for you only?” asked Azalea. Before the old man said anything, Azalea grabbed the old man’s hand. “Ok, let me show you!”
“This food is named Delicious Waltz,” Azalea introduced it to the man. The man was very surprised! He said, “How can you know my family name? I am a member of Waltz Family. Wow! You are a very smart guy, I guess! Do you have sixth sense? Will you teach me how to read someone’s mind?”
Azalea smiled. “Could you please taste some, Sir?”
“Ok. With pleasure!” the old man responsed. He tasted the food then. Not long afterward, he spilled out what he just tasted. “What the hell is it? Didn’t you add salt into this cuisine?” The old man spoke loudly.
“I am sorry, Sir! I didn’t put some salt in it because I heard you do not like salt”, answered Azalea. Then he continued. “I still remember when you drove your son away … just because your son depicted that his love to you is like salt.“
The old man was feeling so confused. “Yeah, I did. I regreted on what I’ve done. But, how can you know that I drove my son away?” asked the old man.
“Let me show you one thing,” said Azalea. He opened the zipper on his collar. A dark “W” spot symbolizing his “original” family appeared. Again, the old man was surprised. “You…? You are my son!” The tears came into drop. The old man then hugged Azalea.
Azalea smiled. His face turned to be red and his eyes were full of tears. “I am sorry, Dad, for not being such a good boy. But my love for you is higher than mountains, wider than oceans in the world, bigger than the sun and more beautiful than the amazing Niagara Falls. I just can describe it into one word, one thing that will unite all differences. It is SALT. Salt will unite all ingredients, make your cuisine delicious. Any cuisines! I love you more than I can say, Dad!”
“Thank you, Azalea! You are the smartest!”
Dedicated to my Dad [My Mom, I’m sorry, I do not mean to “undersize” your role in our family. I greatly appreciate what you have done to me. I’m sorry for not taking care of you well in the rest of your life. I love you more than words], my Husband [you will be a great father for our kids then ^_^], my Brother, my Future Son [Amen ^_^], my nephews, and all members of my great family.
There was a family living in a big glamorous town. Dad, mom, and their three sons. The first son, Zea, was very handsome. He had several girlfriends. The second one, Oryza, was a very smart boy. He also knew how to attract some girls with his appeals. The third one, Azalea, was handsome but quite, little bit shy. However, he was very generous.
They all lived under love of their parents. One day, they were sitting in the living room altogether. Their dad asked them a simple question. He asked Zea first.
"Zea, How much is your love to me?"
"It's a nice question, Dad! My love for you is as high as mountains. It's as wide as oceans in this world", answered Zea with smile painting his face.
"Thank you, Zea! You are my great boy!" said his dad.
Then dad's face turned to look at the second son, Oryza. He asked him the same question.
Oryza answered, "I love you so much, Dad! Do you know the awe-inspiring views around Niagara falls? And the sun that shines through the pines everyday? The two things I mentioned depict my love for you. It's as beautiful as the amazing falls and as big as the sun".
"Thank you, Oryza! Great son!!"
Now, it's the third son's turn, Azalea. Still the same question.
"What is a fabulous thing that can describe your love to me?" asked his dad.
Azalea headed down. He was feeling embarrassed, but the bottom of his heart pushed him to speak his mind.
"I am sorry, Dad. I do not have a fabulous thing that can describe my love to you. I only have a white one. It looks like sand, white sand. It's salt. Yeah, my love for you is like salt .... ".
Before Azalea finished his words, his dad's face turned to be red. Hmmm...He was in fury .
He shouted at his third son and kicked him out of the room. All of the people inside were in silence, did not know what to say. Oh, poor Azalea! Dad had chased him away .
Azalea walked through the door. He brought nothing but T-shirt and jeans he wore. He was very sad. He did not mean to hurt his dad with his own words. On the way to "nothing", he met a bird with injured wings. He picked up the bird and put it on his arm. He caressed its furs and tried to heal the injured body. He found some medicine from the people living along the street he passed by. After three days, the bird found itself in fresh air and healthy world [lebayyyyy hehe]. The bird opened its eyes and started to chirp. Azalea saw a big smile in the bird's face and kissed it gently. The bird scratched on the ground, wrote a sentence. Wow!!! The bird asked Azalea to follow its way. He nodded.
Kami menulis...menulis apa aja yang ingin kami tulis...ini luahan hati, pikiran, otak, dan perasaan...daripada terkena heart attack, mending we express our minds here...let's check this out!!!!
20 Januari 2010 nanik
Hari ini aku nglanjutin masukin data petty cash JTI. rekap dari awal ku masuk perusahaan ini (Oktober 2008).
Udah 3 hari yang lalu mata kiriku merah. Takut penyakit itu (keratitis herpetica) kambuh lagi. gejalanya mirip, cuma gak parah kaya pas ku di Semarang dulu. Debu, cape, radiasi komputer mungkin bisa jadi penyebabnya. Kalo telat...will result in blindness. I dun want that happen to me..
jam 17.00, pulang ke kos atau periksa ke dokter mata??
kayanya ada sedikit benjolan...semoga baik-baik saja
21 Januari 2010
Hari ini hari Kamis. 3 hari belum ke belakang lagi. apalagi 'bis dapat therapy shock td malam. jadi malas mo masukin makanan ke perut. ga ada tenaga lagi deh buat ngejan...
May Allah always be with us his Angel.
Datang ke kantor, lihat e-mail..sangat mengecewakan. Duit kagak ada yg balik. Masa kita mesti nambelin trus?? 3 juta tidaklah sedikit. kok enak banget ya mereka bilang uda close semua? kayak gini siapa yg ga bisa kerja coba?? data2 diilangin kemana???
23 january 2010, benny
bos bos, kan w dah bilang, kalo jam 12 tuch makan siang,jangan kerja mulu. duit bisa di cari, tapi klo da tepar gni, gimana??.. ntar w ma nanik nengok loe dech ke ugd rs rembang....
enak juga seh, g ada bos, bisa balik cepat.. he..he.he
buat istriku, ke dokter yuk....
25 january 2010 (benny)
maem siang dgn Lei Jing di warung depan.. jadi turis dia :)).. wawan ninggalin dia pergi ke pati, ngurus wanda ke rs ....riski kena demam berdarah , di rawat di rumah sakit jakarta..( cepat sembuh bos, sory mo ke rs rembagn, eh udah dibawa ke jakarta)
This blog is created by both of us...
Hello...My name is Nanik. I live in Rembang, a small fishing town. I am married. Now I am working as a clerk in one of BUMD companies for Coal-Fired Power Plant Project in Rembang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Hi..I am Benny, Nanik's husband. I am from Jakarta. I am working in Tanjung Jati-Jepara Power Plant project. My company is PT WASA MITRA ENGINEERING.
That is a wedding picture of ours.
Now, lets see what we have...:-)